Neuroscientive community
A safe space for current and former neuroscience and psychology students to openly discuss career paths and opportunities, discover new resources, and build a supportive network beyond academia.
Looking for your path? You're not alone
Transitioning out of university can feel a bit lonely and overwhelming, especially when you’re not sure what paths are available outside of it.
When I got into SEO, my background was one of the things I started leaving out of conversations to avoid the inevitable comments about how I wasted a lot of time to end up doing something deemed completely irrelevant to my education. A few years down the line, I found a way to integrate my lifelong passion for neuroscience into my career, something that wouldn’t have been possible if I hadn't found the right mentors and resources to empower me in the process.
Similarly, a lot of my former colleagues are now successful UX designers, behavioural scientists, technical writers and marketers - and most of us ‘stumbled’ upon our respective careers, molding the skills we acquired via our studies to fit into the industry standard. But what if you could create your own path rather than fitting into one, discovering the full spectrum of opportunities and choosing how to best apply your knowledge of human cognition to your career?
Are you studying or have recently graduated in psychology and neuroscience and are curious about the careers available outside academia?
Or have you found your path and want to share your journey and empower more people teaching new skills via webinars, conferences and mentorship programs?
Then the Neuroscientive Community is for you: our mission is to create a space for all of those who are feeling a bit lost in the post-academic journey and help them find their path in the digital space and beyond, sharing learnings, skills and opportunities.
Who is this for?
The initiatives we'll run will primarily benefit:
Current and former students of psychology, neuroscience and social studies looking to understand what career paths are available after graduation;
Academics who are eager to learn more about the application of their skills outside academia;
Industry representatives with a background in psychology and neuroscience seeking to network and share resources and opportunities.
If you are curious but not sure you belong to any of the groups above, get in touch to discuss your interest directly with giulia@neuroscientive.com
What can you expect once you join?
Regular meet-ups and socials (both in person and virtual)
An active and non-judgemental community where you can ask any questions on Slack.
How do you join?
Complete this Google Form to be added to our Slack group!